This was the first exhibit that I had ever put on by myself and honestly I didn't realize how much work it was going to be for me, but somehow with the help from my parents and my husband we made it happen.
One of the hardest decision was deciding what work I was going to display and as I went through hard drive after hard drive of images I decided I wanted this exhibit to tell the story of the journey that I have taken with my photography from start to finish. I didn't include the images of my Barbie dolls or Cabbage Patch kids that I use to take pictures of when I was a child, but I did start with the image that changed everything for me, yes I am talking about the spider. Frank Mullen took the time to show me a few things on my camera to make that spider look just how I saw it in my head, it was at that moment I had to have more. I then prepared to quit my job in accounting to go to school to become a professional photographer. The images in the exhibit spanned from photo shoots before, during and after I graduated from the Commercial Photography program at Gwinnett Technical College. Once we had everything matted, framed and hanging on the walls inside Chocolate Perks Coffee Shop and Cafe I stood back and had the strangest feeling come over me...all I could say is wow! Everything I had been through, everything I had learned and everything I had wanted to be was hanging right in front of me. It was an amazing feeling to say the least.
I am currently looking for a place to showcase this exhibit in Atlanta and will make a blog post as soon as I find a location and date.
Thank you to my parents, my husband, Chocolate Perks and everyone who came out to the exhibit!
This journey isn't over, stay tuned...I'm just getting started. ;)
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