The Downtowners, a local networking group had their kick-off party at the new Meehan's Atlanta. The guests enjoyed appetizers and drinks from the new restaurant. Be sure to check this place out, the food looked and smelled awesome and the decor made for a very warm and interesting place to hang out! If you would like to get involved with the Downtowners click here. For more on this event visit their event page.
Shrek and his friends showed up for the BIG Shrek Happy Meal Premier Party at the McDonald's in Loganville. The kids and their parents had a blast hanging with the characters from the upcoming sequel "Shrek The Final Chapter". Kids had their face airbrushed with Shrek and McDonald's logos and played in the big playground while others enjoyed their Shrek happy meals.
Recently, Children's Healthcare had employees from all over the United States attend an appreciation party at the Georgia Aquarium. I was shooting with nine other photographers for Atlanta Event Photography. The employees were very impressed with our aquarium and really enjoyed the night.
Dunwoody hosted a big beer drinking party and the threat of rain didn't keep the beer drinkers away. There were all type of fun to be enjoyed like the "Pop Your Cherry Booth" from Bacardi also the Yacht Rock Revue was there showing us how to get down to it 70's style! Rain pushed everyone in the huge tent at times, but once it would let up everyone was going at it again. This was the 9th annual, so if you didn't make it this year be sure to check out year ten!
Fisker Automobiles released there new car Karma this week in Atlanta, GA. Car goers gathered at the Cadillac dealership on Roswell Road to get a glimpse at the enviroment friendly vehicle. The things that really impressed me about this new ride was the solar paneled roof. Also, all the wood used in the vehicle was used from either the wood from the the fires in California or sunken trees. For more pics check out METROMIX ATLANTA!
Music Go Round hosted an event where anyone could bring a can good and get their guitar strings replaced. The weather was NASTY, but there was still a good turnout for the event. Music Go Round is a GREAT place to buy and trade used gear. The store has received the "Best Music Go Round Store Of The Year" for three years in a row...You gotta check these guys out!
Virginia Highlands put on a BIG CINCO DE MAYO party and it was PACKED! The party included great games like a hot pepper eating contest as well as a pinada smack down. Also, cover bands Sun Domingo and Justin keep the party rockin' into the late night. If you didn't make it this year be sure to put it on the calendar for next year, it's a party you don't want to miss!
My Morning Jacket was on fire at the Chastain Park Amphitheater in Atlanta, GA., seriously a small fire did break out that had ticket holders pouring their drinks in efforts to put it out. Staff members rushed in and extinguished the flames that were seen all across the amphitheater. The energy was not only with the band, but the crowd. The crowd had more energy then I had seen in a long time at a show. The light show lite up the night sky so much so that people were sitting in the parking lot just listening and watching the light show due to the show being SOLD OUT. What a great night!